Fish and Octopus Painting Exercise – Block 3 #12

I finished this exercise for Evolve Artist just before Christmas. It took a couple of weeks, so I was happy to get it done before the holiday.

Fish and Octopus - oil painting exercise on canvas. Evolve Artist Block 3 #12

Evolve Artist Block 3, #12 – Fish and Octopus. Oil on canvas.

This is exercise 12 in Block 3, and is the last painting without any highlights or reflections. I’m happy to be getting back to adding those in soon, as I’m a bit tired of making such flat looking paintings! Really, I am impatient to get to Block 4 now, so I can start painting what I see rather than using the current simplifed method, but that’s still a few weeks away. I’m not complaining about the course, as I like the approach it teaches, and the practice I’m getting with all these exercises. But people do some really impressive work in Block 4, so I’m looking forward to that. I’ve been feeling a bit bogged down where I am, since Block 3 is taking longer than expected!

Still, I’m quite happy with this painting. I think it’s better than the last few, and I like painting cute things so I enjoyed the subject. The fish and octopus are part of a set of kids’ toys that I bought to use for drawing/painting practice. I wanted to push myself a bit with the drawing for this exercise, since I’ve chosen relatively simple objects for the last couple of exercises. There are some mistakes, as usual, but nothing major.

Now I need to get back into it again after taking a couple of weeks off.

See all my Evolve artist paintings.

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