Cat on Cube – Painting Exercise #17

This cat on a cube is exercise 17 from Block 1 of the Evolve Artist art fundamentals course. Each exercise gets a bit more challenging and the cat was definitely the most complex object I’ve painted in the course so far. It wasn’t more difficult exactly, since the painting process is the same for everything in this block. But there are more things going on to analyse and reproduce, and I had quite a headache by the end.

Cat on Cube -  greyscale oil painting exercise on canvas. Evolve Artist Block 1 #17

Evolve Artist Block 1, #17 – Cat on Cube. Oil on canvas.

Unfortunately, because my painting speed is on the slow side, I ran out of time with the cat before I was completely finished, so there are a few small areas that aren’t blended as smoothly as I’d like. Other than that, I’m fairly pleased with it, and mostly happy with the cube – except for the lower left edge where I tried to tidy it up after the paint was dry and it obviously didn’t blend well. I think a later part of the course will cover how to do this properly.

I also quite enjoyed this one since I love to paint animals, and cats are my favourite 😀 There’s another cat painting in Block 1 too, and some rabbits in the next exercise.

See all my Evolve Artist paintings here.

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